Friday, 27 July 2012

To find out if the use of natural pesticides can replace chemically-made pesticides (other ideas)


To find out if the use of natural pesticides like cinnamon oil can replace chemically made pesticides.

Observations made

Chemically-made pesticide is very effective, however, it harms the environment and may even kill many animals that feed on this pesticides and the entire eco-system might be affected.
Finding another alternative is the only way to stop polluting our environment. Thus, the use of natural pesticide like cinnamon might be an alternative.
Research Question

Is cinnamon oil is an effective natural pesticide?

Hypothesis statement

Cinnamon oil is effective to a certain extent to deter pests.
A short summary of research done on the area of investigation

 Natural pesticides destroy or repel insects and pests that are present in our homes and gardens, and may also serve to prevent others from entering our premises. Some insects damage our property and spread diseases. Some are unhygienic and are capable of contaminating our food. Most pesticides that we purchased at the supermarket are synthesized from chemicals, which when inhaled, are harmful to our health. In addition, the use of pesticides in places such as farms may contaminate the food chain and drinking water, since the chemicals present in these pesticides may seep into the soil.
Natural pesticides are an alternative to chemical pesticides. These pesticides are made from the natural extracts from plants, herbs, flowers, seeds or salt minerals. Hence, most natural pesticides are environment friendly and safe for us to use. However, there are exceptions - for example nicotine, which is more toxic then some of the more common chemical pesticides.
Some common natural pesticides are cinnamon, lemon juice, cucumber peel or bay leaves to keep ants away. Borax, a salt crystal, is also particularly effective in repelling cockroaches and termites. Another common natural pesticide is honey, which can be used to attract and trap flies. Once these flies land on the honey, they are not capable of flying off again.

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