Friday, 27 July 2012

If Garlic Can be Used to Kill Bacteria (other ideas)

    Shang Mengge                  (   22   )
Sec 2/10   

To find out if the use of garlic would be able to kill bacteria.

Topic of investigation  :

Observations made

I realized that much medicine that we consume daily has side effect on us. The adults always encourage us to eat garlic, as they believed that garlic has the ability to kill bacteria and prevent us from being sick. 
A person who does eat garlic often has a lesser chance of catching flu.

Research Question

Does the presence of garlic kill bacteria?
Hypothesis statement

The more the garlic, the more effective it is in killing bacteria.
A short summary of research done on the area of investigation

Herbs and spices have traditionally been used in cooking as they add flavor to our food. These herbs and spices have also been known to many cultures for their medicinal properties. The oils that are extracted from these spices and herbs are found to be effective in killing bacteria and viruses.
Garlic is known to have the ability to fight bacteria and viruses. It is known to be affective against a wide range of bacteria and also has the ability to combat the common cold. The antimicrobial substance in garlic is called allicin. Allicin consists of approximately 0.3% - 0.5% of the garlic. To maintain the antibacterial properties of garlic, it must be consumed or applied as raw garlic because cooking will destroy the allicin.
Frequent use of antibiotics causes the microbes to develop resistance against the drugs. Studies have shown that garlic has proven its ability to fight against bacteria that has developed resistance to antibiotics. The use of garlic along with other forms medication has been also known to enhance the effectiveness of these drugs.
Research has shown that garlic helps prevent certain dieases such as heart disease, common cold, cancer.  Garlic is known for being an antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, anti parasitic, anti protozoan, anti fungal, pantheistic, immune stimulating, hypotensive, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, among other qualities.
Bibliography (Please refer to RS Students’ Handbook in RS Folder on Inet regarding APA Style Format)

 HubPages- The Amazing Medicinal Properties Of Garlic-
University of Maryland Medical center-

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